poem written by Pierre Louys and published in 1894. Bilitis would seem to have been a contemporary of Sappho on the isle of Losbos, and the poem is purported to be a translation from the Greek. Although it has been more or less conclusively cstablished that the poem is not authentic, it presents a sensitive and searching picture of Lesbian love.
Our organization is endeavoring to develop a program of interest to all. This includes aur monthly public discussion meetings featuring speakers from local business, professional and medical fields; monthly business meetings; and brunches, parties, picnics and beach parties, bowling, horseback riding and other social events.
This newsletter we hope will be a force in uniting the women in working for the common goal of greater personal and social acceptance and understanding. With this first issue we enter a field already ably served by "One" and "Mattachine Review". We offer, however, that so-called "feminine viewpoint" which they have had so much difficulty obtaining. It is to be hoped that our venture will encourage the women to take an everincreasing part in the steadily-growing fight for understanding of the homophile minority.
Suggestions and constructive criticisms aro urgently solicited, as is your support, aid and assistance. Full information may be^ obtained by writing Post Office Box 2183, San Francisco 26, California.